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Another wind farm coming to area

A view of the McLean County Board at Tuesday's meeting in Bloomington.

After a lengthy discussion, the McLean County Board has voted to allow another wind farm in the northern part of the county.

The 16-3 vote came Tuesday morning during the group’s regular monthly meeting at the Government Center in downtown Bloomington. EDP Renewables North America is proposing the project on almost 5,000 acres in Chenoa, Yates and Lawndale townships.

Several members of the public addressed the board prior to the wind farm deliberations.

“Invenergy and EDP are not part of this county,” said Kim Brucker. “These companies are coming in and dividing our communities.”

Tim Jolly said he loves living in McLean County but will be expected to live at a minimum distance from a “monstrosity.” Travis Taylor believes the project will impact his home and that the zoning board did not meet the standards of the permit.

Mike Matejka spoke in favor of the EDP project, pointing to several hours of work with other area wind projects which is good for landowners and businesses in his opinion.

“A good job is the best welfare program there is,” Metejka noted.

Amy Winterland felt the hearing process was rushed and said two transcripts are not yet available as public record. She believes several items are not in compliance but are being allowed. Former Prairie Central Superintendent Dr. John Capasso endorsed the project, saying it could bring desperately needed money to add teachers, buses or computer labs.

“We need to consider the financial boon for schools and other taxing bodies in this county,” Capasso said.

Julie Cotter feels the voices of more than 600 in the county are being “put down” and that EDP has not met the burden of proof on many issues.

“This is an emotional situation for those of us impacted.”

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