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State Police partner with faith-based groups

To strengthen communities and build better relationships, the Illinois State Police (ISP) is co-hosting community events with faith-based organizations around the state during National Faith & Blue weekend, October 11-14, 2024. ​

Along with participating in multiple events during the National Faith & Blue weekend, ISP works with various faith-based organizations throughout the year to host community events and build relationships.


Faith & Blue is a nationwide initiative formed to create safer, stronger, and more just communities by building partnerships between law enforcement and faith-based organizations. ​ The overall goal of the initiative aims to reinforce police-community relations through various community activities hosted by faith-based organizations and law enforcement agencies. ​ It is the shared belief that communities are stronger and safer when residents and law enforcement professionals can relate as ordinary people with shared values, hopes, and dreams.


“This initiative is based on the idea that strong communities are built on mutual respect, trust, and understanding between law enforcement and the people they serve,” said ISP Director Brendan F. Kelly. ​ “Faith-based organizations are a key pillar in many local communities, and when they work together with law enforcement, neighborhoods thrive.”


Faith & Blue community events include, but are not limited to, blood drives, replenishing food banks and collecting other needed items, prescription drug take-backs, and trunk or treat. ​ Activities vary by location with many offering games, food, and safety education. ​ The public is encouraged to attend and connect with local officers and faith leaders in their communities. ​ For a complete list of events, please visit the Faith & Blue events website.



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